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DEFECT - Logged Out When Adding New Deck

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:16 pm
by Merlebird
I have the first edition of Korchma Taras Bulba and I've tried adding it at least four times tonight. I plug in the information I have and hit "Create," and it thinks for a minute, then dumps me back out to the login screen.

If these submissions are actually going through before they log me out, then my apologies to whoever has to delete three+ duplicate deck entries.

ADMIN EDIT - This is a valid defect and with the help of a Portfolio 52 user we were able to confirm one situation this bug appears - When a general user or Contributor attempts to create a deck and selects deck image(s) over 2mb this should result in an error. However, it currently allows Admin accounts to still upload and for general user and Contributor will log them out. This will be added as a defect for high consideration for a fix in a future update. Until then, if you run into this issue check your image size and reduce the file size.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:25 pm
by Bradius
When I add a deck, it doesnt add the new deck for everyone (top row), but it will show up that I added that deck of cards (bottom row). I can see it in my brief card summary, but not when I look at each of my cards in my collection. The moderators (Alex) first has to accept the new deck before all that happens.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:39 pm
by Spectre
Merlebird, I don't see the deck your trying to add, so no worries there about having to delete multiple submissions. On the other hand, I don't know why it's logging you out when you try to add a new deck.

Bradius, have you recently added some decks? I'm not seeing them either unless one of the other mods already accepted them...

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:44 pm
by Bradius
Spectre, mine have all been added. None are awaiting approval right now. Thanks for asking.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:07 pm
by Merlebird
What's puzzling me is I've added multiple decks at this point without encountering this problem. Previously my experience has been exactly as Bradius describes - hit "Create," get sent to the new deck's full info page, click "Add to Collection," and it'll show up in my collection preview and on the main page under "Recently Collected."

I got too frustrated tonight but tomorrow I'll try with another deck and see if I encounter the same issue. I don't think I'm typing anything weird into the form that it would have a problem handling but one never knows, I suppose.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:45 pm
by ecNate
I just went in with my test account (general user) and was able to create a new deck for approval. It was created ok and with my other account I was able to see it.

I would look to browser settings or something. Maybe try another browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc) and just see if that works OK. If not, respond with OS and browser (with versions) of what you tried and failed. Just do a test one while experimenting and we can delete it.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 1:43 pm
by Merlebird
The weird thing is that it doesn't happen with every deck I try to add. I was able to add three the other day without issue, in between failed add attempts for two other decks (one of them this one again, the other a hanafuda deck not currently on P52 in any edition).

I'm thinking it's either something about the specific images or something I'm putting in the text fields for these decks, but again, I don't think there's anything special about any of it. I took all the pictures the same way, and I'm not plugging in any weird characters for these particular submissions. It's very strange.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 4:00 pm
by flyers3003
Are you putting anything in for Production Run? If non-numeric, it will cause an error. It can't handle "n/a" or "unlimited".

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 5:38 pm
by ecNate
Yeah, this. Or something similar is probably the issue here. Do a screen cap of whatever is failing and provide a filename and attach the image of images if you get the error again and suggestion by flyers isn't it.

flyers3003 wrote:Are you putting anything in for Production Run? If non-numeric, it will cause an error. It can't handle "n/a" or "unlimited".

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 6:15 pm
by Merlebird
flyers3003 wrote:Are you putting anything in for Production Run? If non-numeric, it will cause an error. It can't handle "n/a" or "unlimited".
I was aware of that issue since I'd seen it mentioned in some other thread, so it isn't that specifically; I'm not putting anything non-numeric in that field. (The Korchma Taras Bulba I left blank and the hanafuda deck I put in 100 since that's what's on the tuck.)

Next time I try to add something and it boots me I'll screencap it and PM you or post it here, whichever you prefer.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:29 pm
by Merlebird
Booted while trying to add one of these again, so I took a screencap of the entry form as I've been trying to submit it:
The images being used for the front and back of the deck are as linked.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:05 pm
by flyers3003
Hmmm...not sure what is kicking you out. I just added the deck to P52 with the images you supplied and selected/typed in the same values as your screencap. I don't mind adding decks for you if you supply the info, but I'm sure you'd rather be able to add them yourself.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:57 pm
by Merlebird
I just finished successfully adding another deck and when I got out to the home page I saw this one had been added as well. :D Thanks for your help!

It is strange that it worked for you, but not for me... Flyers, what browser/OS are you using? I'm running Chrome version 65.0.3325.181 on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1.

Like I said, it's not every deck I try to add, but it does happen every time I try to add particular decks - which makes it frustrating since I don't know which decks aren't going to work until I've already typed everything in. :? Hopefully ecNate is able to puzzle out a real fix, but until then I'll try to start keeping a record of which decks log me out and taking screencaps of the entry forms.

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:07 pm
by flyers3003
Chrome 66.0.3359.181 on Windows 10 Home

Re: Logged Out When Adding New Deck?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:13 pm
by ecNate
With the help of a Portfolio 52 user we were able to confirm one situation this bug appears - When a general user or Contributor attempts to create a deck and selects deck image(s) over 2mb this should result in an error. However, it currently allows Admin accounts to still upload and for general user and Contributor will log them out. This will be added as a defect for high consideration for a fix in a future update. Until then, if you run into this issue check your image size and reduce the file size.

DEFECT Logged Out When Adding New Deck

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:25 pm
by HenryInolo
when Ive left the room for awhile and returned or have been inactive for a length of time.

How long am I logged-in for and is there anyway to change that?

Re: DEFECT - Logged Out When Adding New Deck

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:12 pm
by kevork
It looks like this is still a bug. Uploaded an image at 6.5 MB and it logged me out rather than throw an error flag.